Coconut plantation for sale Tangalle

Beliatta, Tangalle

RS 28,364,000.00


This stunning five acre Coconut plantation is located in Beliatta and is perfect for development. It is only 3km to Beliatta town, 11 km to Dikwella town and 13 km to famous Hiriketiya beach. The property itself is generating an income from the harvest of coconut, further development could increase the income. It has a perfect access road which is directly connected to the main road and it is always cool and sheltered due to plenty of trees on the land and lush greenery.

Letting information

  • Added on RightPlace :
  • January 23, 2022 (2 years ago)
  • Letting Category :
  • Agricultural Properties
  • Property type :
  • Coconut Plantation


  • Mains water supply
  • Mains electricity supply

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